Our clients

Please find below just a few examples of the client leasing solutions we have put in place.

Computer hardware

Tax efficient way to upgrade your company IT infrastructure with only a 10% initial deposit. Software and services included.

A leasing package to supply computer hardware to an SMB, the entire deal concluded withing only 5 working days.

Financing included an HP Proliant Server, 2 printers, 15 workstations and widescreen monitors as well as software services to install and configure and the core Microsoft computer software.

The three year lease rental was secured with only a 10% initial deposit and even though leased, the hardware is still tax deductable as it was bought outright, so a very effective and tax efficient way to upgrade a company’s IT infrastructure with little capital outlay.

Computer software

Software lease with no initial deposit at all to purchase large accountancy software package.

A large security company required additional and new computer software to manage its accounts and finance in a more efficient manner.

A software lease was decided upon, with a 0% deposit scheme over a 3 year period and a quarterly payment schedule implemented.

Heavy plant machinery

Solution to purchase secondhand large lifting equipment. Speed was absolutely critical and deal was completed within 72 hours.

A 3 year lease with only a 10% initial deposit on a 10 ton iron fairy crane.

The equipment was not new, so the deal had to be finalised within a very short period of time to enable the client to place an offer and conclude the purchase deal within hours rather than days or weeks.

Speed was paramount to this client to enable them to act fast and get the best deal possible within their budget.

Vehicle purchase

Commercial vehicle purchase with balloon payment at end of lease.

A large audio visual supply company required a quick response to expand its commercial vehicle fleet.

A 3 year lease with only a 10% initial deposit and the advantage of a balloon payment after the 36 months to reduce capital repayments.

With the added option of being VAT qualifying for maximum tax efficiency.

Waste recyling equipment

One of the world’s leading prestige car manufacturers. 0% deposit and lease term of 5 years.

One of the world’s leading manufacturers of prestige cars.

Requirement for a new purchase of a waste compactor.

0% deposit scheme over a 5 year lease period with a payment schedule consisting of 20 quarterly payments.

Contact us to find out more. We’re all ears – and all yours.

Colonial Equipment Finance. Business Funding Solved.